Thursday, April 2, 2009

Let me introduce my family...

My name is Jackie, I am a mother of 3 beautiful healthy boys, they are the light of my life. Jackson the oldest is charming, somewhat emotional and very bright. He has a quick wit about him and can negotiate just about anything. Parker my middle son is affectionate, tough, and stubborn and totally in love with Elmo and his mother. And Carter my "chunky monkey" is chubby, happy and very curious. They keep me busy and on my toes. I work for a YMCA and run their aquatic programs as well as as membership. It's a good job that always presents challenges and opportunites. I've made many friends while doing this job and I like that where I work, they too follow my beliefs of God, family and then work. I am married to Kaleb, he is a very hard worker, dedicated to his family and even more so to his wife. With the exception of my father I do not know of a man willing to sacrifice everything so that his family has it all. It's funny that at such a young ageI mad the right choice when choosing my husband. Well since I've given a small bio of our family, my future blogs will be about our everyday lives including the funnies I hear day to day from my kids.
With all my heart,

1 comment:

  1. Jackie,
    You are going to LOVE blogging! I have one, too, and have had a blast. The more blogs you read and comment on, the more people will read YOURS and comment on yours. Tis true!

    Check mine and become a follower! I'm going to become your FIRST follower in just a sec!

